Saturday, August 07, 2010

Travel Broadens The Mind

Visiting Belgium and The Netherlands for the first time has given me so much material to talk about that I'm feeling refreshed about blogging - and so this little gem of literary excellence (well, if I can't lie from the get go, what use is a blog !!??) will be starting up again when I return to the UK.

Right now I'm in Amsterdam for a few days and then off down to tour a bit of France.

So watch this space and in the meantime, here is something that I think sets the tone and shows what those fun loving Belgians can do with a bit of chocolate (ok a LOT of chocolate) and a fertile imagination.

In a warm climate, I think getting one of these for a present, would be best summed up by the expressions "well it was fun while it lasted" or "one size fits all" !!

I'm sure you will have your own thoughts on the subject so comment away. Hey, don't blame me. I'm just the one who instructs and educates.

Go on admit it, you've missed me in your lives !


  1. Certainly have, Ian! Welcome back, but oh, how you have lowered the tone. ;)

  2. Oh my...I wanted a pressie....but hope that isn't in your bag for me!

  3. I'll have Debby's if she doesn't want it - after all, chocolate is chocolate! I don't even care which bit I get, although thinking about it, looks like the male parts are bigger (at least, the ones top left are). I nearly said I don't want one of the little diddly ones, but hey, if it's that or nothing ...

    They are chocolate, right?

  4. Being diabetic, I can't eat chocolate. Or not much. Certainly not THIS much. Very glad your blog is back to continue ao its mission to educate and instruct.

  5. You have indeed been missed.
    Despite your warnings, I logged on to the blog and am a little bit concerned the woman sat next to me on the bus may have caught a glimpse of the chocolate delights and not been delighted. There's no pleasing some people but with that selection I would have thought you'd have all the bases covered.
    Good to have you back in blog sphere.

  6. With this photograph on your campaign poster, I cannot believe you didn't become the new governor of California. You should have been a shoo-in.

  7. Eww. But good you're back Ian!

  8. Yes indeed - good to have 'something' on your site - - I kept clicking on it in the faint hope you might reconsider and 'expose' your thoughts to us again . . .


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