Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Blogging Days Are Over.

Right now I've lost all enthusiasm for blogging so will take a break for as long as it takes to come back, if it ever does.

No doubt if something annoys me enough to get me up onto my soapbox, or if I lose the fight to become the new Governor of California, I'll be back.

Bye for now.


  1. I think you're not alone. Nearly everyone who used to be an avid blogger (myself included) seems to be moving to use things like Facebook and Twitter etc to fulfill the need that blogging did.

  2. Your blog has brought me such pleasure, such fun, such humour and - most importantly - such a wonderful friendship. I sensed it was coming, but this is a very, very sad day for me.

  3. Nooooooo! Very sad but of course if you have lost enthusiasm then it's better to take a break (and hopefully it is only a break and you will come back) then to impose something you don't want to do on yourself. I hope Twitter and Facebook will still benefit from your wit and experiences.

  4. Forget Twitter and Facebook, man! Blogging is still where it's at! Have a break and then come back. The blog community needs you! :)

  5. I agree with Jennyta. Twitter holds absolutely no interest for me. I joined Facebook, but I have found it inconsequential and I post very infrequently.

    The blogging community needs all of us!

    Please don't stay away permanently! You will be missed....

  6. Don't go! Your blog has genuinely made me laugh out loud so many times as well as being interesting, intriguing and relevant to so many random things! I hope your break from it is short but can understand you not feeling much like it. I used to love writing until I realised my photographs said so much more. Now I can barely be bothered to write anything.
    Do come back soon but in the meantime I will be haranging you on facebook and twitter.

  7. Disappointed that you're leaving but I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to lecture you too hard. I am, after all, on my 4th blog since 2003.

    Sometimes it's just a case of needing a change. A new blogging platform (wordpress, hint hint, or even tumblr) - a new blog name maybe, starting afresh.

    Your blog has always been a great read and the blogosphere will be a lesser place without it. And where the hell am I going to get my Walmart stories from now, did you not consider that?! And you were coveted with the "Year Zero Funniest Blog Award: 2009" - let's not forget!

    Anyway, hopefully it's just a 'hiatus' and you'll be back, as Arnie said!

    PS Whilst I know some on here aren't keen on twitter, I think it's fantastic and I know a LOT of people who thought it was the stupidest thing ever until they actually got into it and found like-minded people. In reality I've probably found more like-minded people through twitter than through the blog. But the two complement each other very well.

  8. And just where shall I go for photos of Italy's Lake Como and Florida's Cape Canaveral? Huh? Huh?

  9. Oh dear. My router went south and I've been off-line for a while. What a shame to come back to your second retirement. Ah, well. Let me say thanks for so much. First, for keeping me sane before I was able to move to Florida. I agree with Susie - your keen-edged humor has made me laugh more than once. Secondly, thanks for the beautiful photos. You may not think you have a gift, but I do. And lastly, thanks for not sending the police after me when you thought I was a stalker. (smile) Good Luck. (Can't believe my word is inefuc.)

  10. Bother. I come and visit now all my assignments are done and you are off to get elected.

  11. You really do seem to mean what you say. But I take heart in the fact that you are not eligible to become governor of California (short of a write-in vote, I suppose).


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