At one point we came upon a reasonably large black snake lying at the side of the road that leads out of the park. It was dead. I think it was by blunt force drama but we're waiting for the autopsy. Its head was either missing or very squished so COD seemed to point to....well a lack of a head.
I could be a medical examiner.
Anyway it was only the 2nd snake I'd ever seen in the wild (1st one was on the local golf course a few weeks ago) and it whetted my appetite for seeing more wildlife before leaving Florida. Wildlife that's still alive, preferably.
So last Saturday we teamed up with Clair and Mary and went to the Highland Hammock State Park a few miles from here as they offered a 1pm tram ride through the local swamps which seemed as good a way as any to spot gators and turtles and snakes.
This very interesting museum told the story of the work relief program set up in 1930s America for young men from unemployed families to help them out during the Great Depression.
Might need a similar program here soon !
We left the museum and while waiting at the tram stop, we were entertained by this bird that soared around with bits of twigs in its mouth and would then drop these twigs wherever it seemed fit. If it was attempting nest building, I wouldn't hire it to build my conservatory, that's for sure.
You can only buy the tram tickets on the day and if we'd been able to buy them in advance, we'd not have picked Saturday for the trip.
It had rained most of the night and morning and there was rain in the air as we set off. At least the tram was covered but as you can see from this photo, the sides were open to the elements.
Ever the one for experimentation, I started with a slow shutter speed photo looking down the side of the tram.
Yes Debby is wearing a hooded jacket but you have to remember 2 things:
1) Rain water WAS falling off the roof.
2) She would feel cold in a dutch oven.
But she has the eyes of a hawk, a hawk that wears very good glasses indeed. So it came as no surprise to us that she was the one who spotted the first gator and her shout stopped the tram in its tracks. That and the driver stepping on the brakes.
You could see it was both impressed and even a little scared of us as I noticed a small air bubble bursting near its rear end. That HAD to be from fear. Yes, I 'd say so.
It's a food chain sort of thing. It gets its food from the swamp and we get its tail from "R J Gators".
That's fair enough.
Further along, while looking at some more gators, we saw a vulture perched on a wooden bridge.
We saw lots of vultures on the tour so I guess there must be plenty of dead critters for them to feed on. What an ugly bird it is.
Unfortunately for it, we left it behind and watched as it flew off up onto a nearby tree branch to join its pals who had been perched up there all the time acting like unused extras from The Jungle Book.
The main swampy area was mostly on the left side of the trail and as Clair and Mary had taken the trip before, they'd given us the heads up to sit on that side of the tram.
Every time something was spotted, those on the right side would have to get up to see what we were able to see from our sitting positions.
It was excellent advice and that was why I got most of these photos. There was 'stuff' to see on the other side of course and just after we left the vultures behind, we saw this beautiful Blue Heron standing majestically in the swamp waters.
But back to the vultures for a moment.
There were loads of them on this tram trip so as a group, they'd obviously decided that the park was a good location for a daily buffet. I mean Sebring has a few good buffets for us humans so why not one for the animals ?
Anyway we came upon another bunch of them and although I took this next photo concentrating on the one up on the branch, it was only when I looked at the downloaded image that I noticed the heads of two of his friends in the bottom right corner.
They look so funny but they also they reminded me of something or somewhere else and then it came to me....Mardi Gras. I've either seen a costume in a movie from New Orleans or Venice where a person had head wear that looked just like these vulture heads.
To see what I'm rambling on about, you'll probably have to click on the photo to expand it.
Moving swiftly along, I'll just add the rest of the gator photos without comments. Basically every time we got to another clearing where there was a largish expanse of swamp water, the cries of "GATOR" would go up and our driver would stop the tram for us all to have a good look at it, or them.
We saw a lot of birds along the trail and I've also taken a lot of photos of birds during my winter here - so although I took some more on Saturday, I'll not include them here.
Well except for this one.
Its wings are in full down draft mode and although it just looks like a bizarre sculpture, it also seems to display the bird's grace and mastery of winged flight.
The trip only lasted 70 or 75 mins as we had to be back in time for the 2nd one of the day at 2:30pm.
All that fresh air had given us an appetite and once off the tram, we all headed for the little park cafe for something to eat. On the way we did spot something a bit different hiding on the fringe of the wooded area.
No seriously this was a stuffed bobcat in a display case inside the little cafe !! Being a cafe inside a state park, there were several displays and exhibits of a 'wild' nature and they'd even put excellent photographs of various critters underneath the glass topped tables so that you could talk about them as you ate their dead cooked relatives. I like that 'circle of life' sort of thing as you know.
Finally here is a photo of a rare critter indeed. It was always out there in the wild but very few photographs were ever taken of it. We have Clair to thank for this one and in fact it has been his skill in taking photos of this rare creature that has meant we have ANY at all.
It eats most things but prefers simple foods like french fries and any sort of meat product.
Unlike the other creatures found in the park that day, this one doesn't like it's meat uncooked and actually prefers it medium rare, slightly seasoned and with sides of salad and a baked potato.
So if you ever see this creature in real life, please approach carefully, make no sudden movements (unless this involves getting your wallet out) and once you've gained his trust, you may feed him as appropriate.
Just no veggies please as he can get really techy when his plate space is wasted with such inedible items.
So that was Highland Hammock State Park. Well worth a visit if you are in the area and taking the tram tour, at $4 a pop, is a really great way to get a taste for the Florida swamplands which you can then take to the next stage by visiting the Everglades further south.
The rules are the same in both places. Keep your bodily extremities inside your vehicle at all times and if you really do have to pee behind a tree, be prepared for company !!
Lovely photos, especially the Blue Heron and the rare suntanned French-fries-eating creature. I hope to gain his trust and feed him as appropriate.
Daphne, I am hopeful that it will be so. We dropped the little critter off at that horrible, third world airport - Miami International - he looked so lost and woebegon in his little short pants - heart breaking really....but it had to be done...I know Her Majesty needs to have him over there for a bit to provide a stabilizing influence. Please take good care of hium intil he begins his annual migration back here to his wintering headquarters.
Of course after we dumped him off at the airport, Debby, Mary & I went to the penny casion!! :)
Hmmm.. trying something different here. Ian, hope you got home safely....miss you already.....a whole bunch of us had to take pictures since you weren't here !!!
The Suntanned French-Fries-Eating Creature is safely back in his summer habitat, I am pleased to report, Clair. And it's great to see him again.
I liked the pic of the rare creature best. Daphne, he WILL eat veggies if you trick him... much like any skittish animal or small child! FYI there are many different vultures and the one you captured on your camera was a 'black vulture'. Awesome pictures.
Thanks for the tip-off, Debby! I agree about the photos. Sadly, in rainy Leeds today, the best photo-opportunity will be a soggy blackbird.
I've created a forum !!
No seriously, thanks to you all for the kind words. I'll be posting often from this side of the pond but any critter photos won't be as exotic as from central Florida. Daphne, get those geckos preened for their photo shoot.
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