Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A New Beginning.

I have moved to a new blog site on Wordpress so if you'd like to follow me over there, I'd be delighted to have you accompany me on my future blogging journey.

                      Click Here :


  1. Enjoyed reading these and absolutely loved the pictures and videos!

  2. Well, I will definitely stroll on over to WP from BlogSpot. Your photos of the Longstone Lighthouse is stunningly lovely. I am sure you are using a better grade camera than I use in daily life (a canon). The clarity and crispness of the day is so beautifully captured. I lived in the UK as a very little girl. I just like to see things from there. Nice to follow fellow boomers and the BB generations' journey over the years.



  3. I learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!


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