Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Photo-A-Day 4th June 2013

No time for much of a byline today as I'm getting ready for a sudden departure in the morning as I'm off on a road trip to the tip of the UK, John O'Groats at the top of Scotland.  

The weather forecast is semi decent for the next few days so I'm being all impetuous and just going !

Anyway here is a photo I took yesterday inside the ruins of Fountains Abbey on a glorious day which wore me out as I walked miles.

That's it.

Donno when I'll be back so there may or may not be regular posts or "photo-a-day" posts for a wee while, the noo.


  1. Gorgeous photo!! Love the use of black and white and the high contrast which still retains detail in the shadows.

    I love the subject too.

  2. I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.


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