Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Would Like To Thank...........

A few minutes ago I was looking at the latest stats on visitors to my blog and how they found it and noticed a few had arrived from the same site.....one I didn't recognise. So I went there and lo and behold I found I was in a list of their Top 25 Retirement Blogs.

Now although I've no idea what that OnlineMBA site is all about, I suspect it has nothing to do with basketball.

Anyway this is just a short blog post to say thanks to the obviously perceptive staff on that site. Having said that, I don't think any of my 724 blog posts answer any of the questions posed on the site so in a typically self deprecating vein, I have to say I donno why my blog made it to the list !

Is my statuette in the post ?


  1. I associate MBA with a Master of Business Administration degree. You were thinking of NBA.

    My first guess, after going to your link, was that the criteria for being chosen was to have the word retire, retired, or retirement in the title of your blog. But then I saw one in their list that said simply Mature Not Senile. There went my theory.

    Verification word is ingst, which is how I imagine angst is pronounced in your part of the world, which is what I have at being left off the list of Top 25 Retirement Blogs.

  2. My English teacher is turning over in his grave. I meant criterion, not criteria, of course.

    I also note that Onine MBA says it is the best place for learning about monkeys while you get your Online MBA, which bolsters my guess about a Master of Business Administration degree (although what monkeys have to do with it I cannot fathom).

  3. "My first guess, after going to your link, was that the criteria for being chosen was to have the word retire, retired, or retirement in the title of your blog"

    Guess I don't need to be self depreciating with you to keep my feet firmly on the ground, Bob.

  4. Congrats, well deserved!

    If I recall correctly I gave you a blog award too, back in 2009.


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