Saturday, February 05, 2011

Phone Test

This will be the shortest post on record from me as I'm just testing blogger as a phone app. Might as well take and upload a photo while I'm testing as that is how I'd expect to use the app when ' on the road '


  1. Well I'd say that was a VERY successful test !! Wooohoooo.

  2. Lovely palm trees. Glad this test didn't involve a photo of the swimming pool or I might be doing some Serious Sulking.

  3. Congratulations, very impressive. This new technology stuff is great.
    Thank you for introducing me to stuff that a mobile can do beyond making phone calls.

  4. Ok found one downside is that a photo taken with the phone (as opposed to picking one already stored on the phone) cannot be enlarged once published to the blog post. Bummer.

  5. That's OK, we'll just wear our glasses. ;)


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