Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A Grand Day Out !

One of the many plus points about wintering in Florida is the ability to play golf in early January.

Actually I'm not sure that 'ability' is the right word for my level of expertise so lets change it to the 'opportunity' to play golf. There....that's better and more truthful.

So at 11:15 this morning, we (Clair, Carl and I), met up with Gerry at the Panther Course at the Spring Lake Golf Club and settled into our carts to await our start time.

The weather was glorious and within 5 minutes we were at the 1st hole and ready for fun. On most courses here, golf carts are compulsory due to the heat and the distances involved getting from one green to the next tee. In the case of hole #6 on this Panther course, they are also needed to get you along the fairway from tee to green as from the back tee, it's 800 yds to the hole and one of only a few par 6's in the world.

My hope was to get a par on this monster hole and a few decent shots got me just short of the green in 4. I chipped up onto the green and was set to putt for a birdie. Then the excitement got to me and I send the putt several feet beyond the hole and took another two shots before it disappeared from sight. A 7 wasn't bad but to be so close to getting a birdie on that hole really upset me and I broke down and wept like a little girl.

Or maybe I cursed and threw my putter into the water where it hit a gator on the snout which pissed it off too and it chased me down the 7th fairway.

In reality I didn't weep or curse (much) OR hit a gator but I WAS upset.

The Spring Lake courses are truly stunning with little rough, lots of water hazards and photogenically placed palm tress all helping to make it a feast for the eyes and I was certainly making a meal of the golf. I hadn't played for well over a year and it showed. The course, however, helped take my mind off my game.

A lack of rain, the recent cold snap and now the warm temperatures had all left their mark on many of the fairways. The palm trees, tropical shrubbery and exotic wildlife redressed the balance and with the blue skies and fluffy white clouds, it was a great day to be out on a golf course, even if my standard of golf wasn't up to par.

My score was triple digits but I had such fun and despite being pretty wrecked by the 18th green, loved every minute of it.

Thank you Clair, Carl & Gerry. Can't wait for the next round.


  1. I'm really glad it was such fun. It sounds like a lovely afternoon - - and it's certainly a lovely golf course. Palm trees and water - - sighhhh - - - gorgeous.

  2. I knew Daphne would sigh at those pics and, particularly when I saw the one of the three palm trees, I sighed too. It looks so beautiful (not that I'd want to play golf, too much like hard work for me!)


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