Thursday, October 14, 2010

When Outstanding Service Meets Upstanding Needs

British pharmacies are the best in the world....offering services unknown in most other countries.

I have to say though, these services do seem a bit extreme for a supermarket pharmacy. Normally what goes on behind the closed doors, stays behind closed doors. But in this case, that kinda defeats the point, doesn't it ?!

I wonder if customers partaking in this service get double clubcard points ?

Win, win.


  1. Ahhh yes, I remember you mentioned THAT photo. I'm glad you've got it up on your blog.
    Do you think lots of men approach the counter and say, loudly and clearly "Hello, I'm here for the the new Erectile Dysfunction Service?" - No, I don't think so either.
    Great title for the post, by the way!

  2. I had to click on that to make it bigger. Do I get the 'do it yourself' discount?

    I spat popcorn on the screen when I read D's comment....God I love a good pun!

  3. So ... it's the supermarket pharmacies who've been spamming me all this time, is it? LOL!

  4. Great minds think alike! You might like to glance at my blog dated 11th Oct!


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