Saturday, April 10, 2010

Caribbean Cruising

Well tomorrow morning we're off on another Caribbean cruise and I get to add 3 new destinations to my list, namely the Bahamas, St. Thomas and Grand Turks. This cruise also goes to St. Maarten but although I went there in 2005, I'm really looking forward to this return as I missed going to it's unique airport where arriving planes fly so low to the beach that the crew wear flip-flops.

Trouble is, on the other side of the island is a nudist beach and the idea of whipping off my thong and going 'au naturelle' might be too much to resist. Mind you, given that I've been in the US for several months and have therefore developed my personal airbag quite a bit, I think I might only go to observe and not be a participant.

Why do I hear sighs of relief ? Cheek.
I love cruising. Well what's not to love ? Exotic destinations, relaxing days at sea and a never ending supply of food for one thing. Ok 3 things then and as long as there are no kids, no smokers and no rain, it'll all be perfect.

This one will be a lovely way to bring my 6 month winter in Florida to an end as I'll be returning to the UK a week after we get back from the cruise. If nothing else I should be able to pick up some better souvenir t-shirts than I'd get in Sebring !

I'll be taking the laptop (of course) but mainly to allow me to download photos. You can pay for internet on the ship but it costs quite a bit and it'll do me good to be off it for a week........yeah right ! The ship, the Emerald Princess, does have a bridge webcam so if you should want to, you can at least see where we are for the next 7 days. Right now it's on it's way back to Florida from Grand Turk and after a bit of a tidy up and replenishment, it'll be all set for us to get onboard around 2pm tomorrow.

So bye bye for now and 'see' you all in 8 days time.

I'll be the one with the brown face, red shoulders and the "I Was Banned From Orient Beach" t-shirt.


  1. I have never been on a cruise but have always wanted to. Enjoy!

  2. Sighs of relief? Nah! Sighs of disappointment from your myriad fans - well, OK those two over there with white sticks. ;)
    Have a great time!

  3. I'll be thinking of you from Leeds next week. And from Doncaster. And from Manchester. See, you're not the only one who plans travel to exotic destinations in the next few days. Have a wonderful time!

  4. Ian, I hope you have a great vacation.

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  6. Oh dear - what a hard life you lead! Is "Cheap Price" in the next cabin? Please knee him in the goolies for me.


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