Friday, January 08, 2010

Freezing My *** Off !!

Well as everyone else is showing photos of snow and ice and all things freezing, here is what things were like in darkest mid Florida in the wee small hours of this morning.

And here is what it was like LAST January here. Obviously not mid Florida as there is water out there but close enough. We'd gone to the seaside y'see.

I'm all for having seasons but I came all this way to have my winter season look like the scene above. This cold 'snap' is due get even worse and to last over the weekend and then things should return to normal.

I've already swapped my speedos for thermals and I may have to break out the big guns.....fleece lined t-shirt and matching Hogwart's scarf. Even the Leeds Rhinos wooly hat is on standby for tomorrow night when it's due to drop to 26F.

Frozen orange juice, anyone ?


  1. Ah, well, we couldn't have you suffering like the rest of us, not when you have gone all the way out to Florida for a bit of sun and heat - now could we!!! Grrrrrr!

  2. Our frozen British hearts swell with pity for you - - okay, only a bit, but that's because we're preoccupied with trying to get the snow off our boots. Seriously, "Florida" and "26 degrees" are not phrases that should ever be together.

  3. Craziness. You'll be pleased to know that it's a balmy 87 degrees here in Sydney. Or maybe you won't. Stay warm!

  4. Aghhh I can't do Fahrenheit. Wish you were posting in Celsius. Sounds rather cold, whatever it is.

  5. I thought you were being smug and sarcastic until I googled the conversion. All I have to say is.... Ha ha ha ha ha.

  6. It's a beautiful sunny day here. Blue sky, gentle breeze, you know the sort of thing. The patio paving was pleasantly warm underfoot as I wandered out in my jammies this morning to feed the birds. Bees buzzed, water tinkled in the pond ...

    .... in my DREAMS!!

    Bloody freezing it is. The pond pump is nearly iced up and the birds have to root for their seed through an inch of snow on the feeder I cleared this morning. Their water is solid. Gonna clear out the grate later for another roaring fire this afternoon. Bet you don't have one of those! ;)

    Tee hee.

  7. Milo - 28.7F is about -1C.

    We Nebraskans have very little sympathy for your balmy, sweaty 28F weather. :-D We are still hugely enjoying our zero F **MID-MORNING** temperatures (that's -17C Milo).

    Yesterday's low temp was -18F (-27C) with a windchill, measured by the fire department putting out a fire, of -40F which is the magic number when it is also -40C. Three people died yesterday - two after slipping on the ice and falling into snow drifts on their way to the car, subsequently dying from exposure. Not...good... :-(


    Roll on Summer!!!

  8. Okay, okay - don't rub it in Mr Smug-Sarky!...And please don't wear that Rhinos hat when you venture out! It could traumatise the children of Sebring. "Mommy that nasty man looked at me!"

  9. I understand how it could be 28.7 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors, but how could it be 50 degrees Fahrenheit INDOORS??? Don't you people in Florida have space heaters that you pull out every few years??? If you don't, Lowe's and Home Depot do....

    I lived in Nebraska for three years when I was stationed at SAC Headquarters, and Punctuation is absolutely correct about the weather there. I seem to remember that it reached -35F during our stay there, and I saw the longest icicles I have ever seen (roof to ground)....

  10. OK, I've been quiet for while, but I really have to speak up. Yes, it got down to 26 F (-3 C) late Saturday night, but it's warmed up some now. But my comment is actually directed at Rhymeswithplague - No, sir! There are NO space heaters to be found Home Depot or Lowe's or even Wally World. Why? Because the distribution centers for each of those businesses don't ship any more than 3 space heaters to each store in Florida, because it doesn't get cold here (!!) and that's all they sold last year. Isn't that amazing? And Silverback, we're cold here, too, even if we do live south of you guys!

  11. Maybe I need to explain the situation here before fighting breaks out ! I'm here in a park model trailer which does have a warm air furnace but we've not got it working as no one has yet managed to get the pilot light lit and anyway, after about 5 years of never being used, I'm not sure firing up the pilot light without a service check would be a good idea. Anyway 2 companies have tried and failed to get it lit.

    The previous owners left us with 2 pretty efficient portable oil heaters and they've been fine until this current very unusual period of extreme cold (for Florida).

    We've also been loaned two other heaters and with a combination of these we can get the inside temp up to the mid 70's every day......eventually.

    But overnight we don't have them set that high and really only have the heating on for Pixie, the dog. This means it can, and did, get down to 50F one night (as in the photo) but we've left a thermostatically controlled heater on overnight ever since, as 50F is just too low.

    So we've not looked for heaters in the local stores as we don't need any more so I can't comment on their availability but I'm sure there are plenty.

    Hopefully his long winded comment will clear up any confusion and we can all go back to being kind to one another.

    Stay warm.

  12. So I'm guessing a few of them would have a heart attack if I took a picture of the temp gauge in my bedroom these past few morns? It read 39 degrees. That's F....3.8C for Milo :-)

    Who took my warm weather????


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