Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Normal Service Has Been Resumed

In this post SB dawn, things are slowly returning to normal. After my mention of "she-who-must-not-be -named" yesterday, my daily visitors bar graph went from looking less like the skyline of Crinkley Bottom to more like the skyline of the UAE with SB being forever more known as Burj Dubai in my mind !

My mind can be a seriously weird place to visit. Tell me about it, I have to.

Anyway thanks to Maya and even people like CanadianBill (yes I MAY alter my thinking but I don't believe my opinion was quite nonsense), I had 'hits' coming at the rate of 2 a minute for most of yesterday and bless all your hearts.

I may never mention SB (or BD) again but please return often - in case I do !

Back in sunny Sebring, Florida where I'm a snowbirder, it seems I need to clear up this point yet again. I'm not English, Welsh or Scottish and certainly not Irish. I was born in Northern Ireland and despite what others from that province would claim for themselves, I'm British. It says so on my passport and that's good enough for me. Due to my grandparents being born back when N.I. was still part of Ireland, I CAN claim an Irish passport (and presumably citizenship) and I did once have one when I was younger as it was green and looked pretty with the harp on the front and everything. A passport sponsored by Guinness ! Only in Ireland.......

Speaking of the weather (!?!), it too has returned to normal after a few days when the only people enjoying life in Disney World were those selling rain capes and umbrellas. It's reached 83F outside now and as I've just cooked lunch, it's 86F in here. I did think about cracking an egg on my bald head but I decided the yoke would be on me before it cooked.

Sorry !

Time to set up the deckchair and settle down in my swim trunks and sandals and watch Leeds United v Kettering Town in the FA Cup.

Not quite Real Madrid but at least we're finally on the way up. Just like SB.



  1. oh i think i understand now

  2. and charlotte church is welch

  3. and i am an american from salford

  4. Will you just stop it with all the rambling on about sunshine!!!!!

  5. Putz, I'm not sure what you're on, but do us a favour and cut the dose, fella. ;-)

    Jennyta....what can I say....it's my natural SUNNY disposition and WARMTH towards my fellow man, and woman.

  6. On the way up Ms Boyle? You saucy fellow. Kettering wuz robbed! Leeds scraped by in extra time with a narrow 5-1 result.

    Were you aware that the reason Don Revie changed Leeds's colours to all white is because of his respect for the achievements of Real Madrid? And that my friend is true.

  7. Well Ian, I can show off about the weather too! Today I've had to pull the curtains on the sunny side of the house and open up the back of the house to the river breeze and it's still 85.7F sitting here at this computer.


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