Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It Was Only A Winter's Tale......

We're at the end of our week up here in the frozen north and happy to be saying farewell to the Siberian like weather. Neither Deb nor myself 'do' cold weather and if I did, I'd spend the winter in Alaska or Canada or the Channel Tunnel for that matter !

(See, despite being up here in the back of the back of beyond, I still keep up to date with news around the world. So who is this Susan Boyle woman then ?)

Anyway we've had a fabby time seeing friends and family and as the main point of the trip was to see her grandkids, here is a happy grandma on Sunday with all 3 of them.

Naturally they weren't too keen on being together for a group photo but believe me, that was the best one of the bunch I took. Tears weren't far away and I don't mean just mine !!

We travelled a few miles in our little rental car and on the last trip to see everyone, there was a lovely winter sky in view out the front window. I didn't realise it at the time but I took the photo through the sun 'visor' part of the windscreen but I've left it in as it gives a sort of filter effect to the sun and sky that I like.

It hardly snowed the whole time we've been here but there was plenty on the ground from the previous week and this is the view out the dining room window showing the back yard and the rear of the 5th wheel parked ready for more summer excursions.

But the highlight of this trip for me was Mason, who was a newborn baby the last time I'd seen him. Now he's a bundle of fun, uttering magical new words and causing us to be careful with some of the words WE say around him ! To see him like this at Christmas time has been a wonderful experience and when he ran into my arms this morning with a beaming smile and gave me a huge hug goodbye, my old dicky heart got a surge the like of which it hadn't experienced since the surgeon placed the paddles on it after my bypass !

Here he is by the tree, showing all the wonder of a child at Christmas.

So it's goodbye to Michigan (well at 5:18am tomorrow morning) and hello again to Sebring, Florida. It will be a lot warmer for sure but a little part of me wishes I was back with my little buddy, who gave me an early Christmas present that will live with me for a long time to come.

Thank you Mason. And thank you to Deb's family for giving us a warm welcome in such a cold place.

Happy Christmas to you all.


  1. You take the most amazing photos...thanks!

  2. I'm so glad the trip's gone so well and hope that, as I type this, you're having a very safe flight back to Palm Tree Land.

  3. I'm intrigued to learn what sort of language you had to prevent yourself from using around children... Pied Piper? Miss Trunchbull? The Snow Queen? Michael Jackson? Margaret Thatcher?...I agree a lovely picture of your little friend - health, happiness, innocence and anticipation are all captured there.

  4. A very merry Christmas as you leave the land of snow and ice and return to paradise.


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