Sunday, November 15, 2009

On Safari In Sebring

After brunch at The Palms of Sebring, an independent and assisted living complex in downtown Sebring (don't ask - long story, great food), we were heading back 'home' when we popped into a Publix to pick up a few grocery items.

They told us to get out and use the car park like everyone else and when we'd parked up and were walking back to the store, we came upon this....thing.....for sale.

Normally you'd think it was a used vehicle from a local safari park but this is America, and the South at that. So I believe it's a redneck SUV (Shoot-em Up Vehicle) and the decals are reminders of some of the critters that the current owner has bagged over the years. Maybe some of them even fought back - checkout the disabled sticker in the front.

It's hard to tell from this photo, even enlarged, but the vehicle comes with dual horns. Here is a closeup of the front one.

I think the DVLA would have something to say about this adaptation back in the UK. Imagine the injuries caused to a pedestrian if hit front on. The twin puncture marks would have them scratching their heads in the hospital....or more likely the morgue.

On another topic, the other day when coming back from Avon Park, a small town just north of Sebring, we were at some traffic lights and I took this photo out my passenger window. I just liked seeing something so associated with Christmas (cold) on something so associated with Florida (warm). The name of the store behind it was a little bonus.

Oh and if you want to make an offer for a twin horn, 4 wheel drive safari jeep, just let me (and your analyst) know. There will be a place at The Palms waiting for you.


  1. I love that juxtaposition of Christmas decoration and palm tree! A very cheering photo. Here in Blighty everything's covered in leaves. Knee-deep, we are.

  2. You should buy that vehicle and ship it back to the UK. I can imagine you driving with Daphne on the back platform yelling "Votes for Women!" whilst on safari in Roundhay Park.

  3. That vehicle is ... amazing. Yep, that's what it is, amazing. Love the fact that it has a disabled sticker - and your explanation for that! LOL!

    The palm tree with the Christmas decoration, that's something I'd have snapped, too!


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