Saturday, September 12, 2009

Leeds To Rome

I've been to Italy you know.

As well as taking over 2,000 photos, I also used the video feature on my little Nikon compact camera to take 209 video clips as often, moving images were the only way to really record what I was seeing. Sometimes it was scenery, sometimes it was something amusing that I saw but initially it was the flight from Leeds to Rome on 27th August.

Although I do have a digital camcorder, I didn't want to carry more than I had to on what I knew would be long tiring hot days of sightseeing. So I decided on the little Nikon for it's ability to take video and half decent still photos and the Canon SLR with the 200mm zoom lens for capturing close ups and better quality photos at times. The video quality is therefore lower than I would've liked and also in full frame format as opposed to widescreen but looking back now, I'm glad I made the choice not to carry the camcorder around with me.

I'd like to post video and photos in the correct order rather than jumping all over the place as then the blog will be a better record of the trip for me to look back at in years to come......assuming blogspot doesn't go under and all my posts go into a black hole.

So I'll start with the video I took on the plane that day.

We left on a lovely sunny day from Leeds Airport and as we crossed the Alps, the views out the window were spectacular. Then we came along the coast of northern Italy and on down to a smooth landing at Rome Airport.

Arrivederci England, buongiorno Italy.

Leeds To Rome from Silverback on Vimeo.


  1. Great to be reminded - our arrival seems a long time ago now and it's lovely to see it again. I've never used video, as you know, though I've always taken lots of still photos. And there are some things that only video can capture. I do remember the sudden heat when we got to Rome - perhaps one day we'll be able to add that kind of thing to the film!

  2. How come there was always the base of a coke can to the left of your video clip? Were you sponsored by Coca Cola?

  3. Wow! Just, Wow!

    Undoubtedly the first of many good things to come. And who was that singing "In Other Words"?

    I loved your video. I'm looking forward to seeing Italy through the lens of your "little Nikon."

  4. YP, as we flew with Jet2 I felt I should include one in the video.

    Thank you bob. That version of "Fly Me To The Moon" was by Agneta Faltskog, the blonde one from Abba.


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