Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rome - It's A Bit Old, Ain't It ???

Sorry I've not posted before but the internet here in this hotel reception is a bit odd to say the least as it times out and also the keyboards are in Johnny Foreigner hiroglyphics (I'm sorry for spelling mistakes and typos but sod it, live with them for now) so typing isn't easy.

At least mine has apostrophes.

As Daffy said, we 'did' the Colosseum today and what a grand ruin it was and like Daffy herself, pretty well preserved.

My overall impressions of Rome are - hot, mad drivers, even madder bikers, hot, old, photogenic in the extreme, expensive, cobbled streets, hot, full of Italians for some reason, jugglers and car window cleaners at many street intersections and did I say hot ? Yes very hot.

Fabby place though and so different from, say, Milton Keynes. Hotter for a start and it's got many more people dressed as gladiators who accost you everywhere and get you to pose with them for photos and then ask for 5 euros. Sorry pal but I can see why you died out as a need to get the money BEFORE we take the photos !! Basic supply and demand. You supply the photo opportunity and we bugger off.

Romans eh ? What did they ever do for us ? Plonkers.

Anyway as Daffy said, time on these terminals is suspect so I'll not waffle on.

Having a wonderful time and I must be, better be, about 10lbs lighter even with all the lasagne and spagetti and pizza as we've travelled further than Eddie Izzard over these last 3 days.

More to come when we find t'internet in the hills.



  1. Sounds like you are having hot fun. I look forward to seeing photographic evidence including your effectively stolen ones of people dressed as gladiators.

    Thanks for providing giggles for us poor home-trapped readers.

  2. Hot, eh? Think yourself lucky, mate. Here in Blighty, autumn is knocking at the door. Enjoy!

  3. Jealous that you're in Rome, such a great city! Enjoy! When I was there last June it was 35c.

    Here in the UK the temp has really noticeably dropped away.

  4. When in Rome, did you do as the Romans do? And just what was that?

  5. Hotter than Vegas?

    GET AWAY FROM ME I'M HOT! hehe good times.

    Can't wait to see the piccies.

  6. Oh to be in Rome, I ADORE the place and all it's madness. Have a fab time and eat a gelato for me please.

  7. Was it hot, then? And were there Italians? Well, well ... fancy that!

    Sorry I missed you on IM the other day. I'll try to remember to look at that thing occasionally!

    Glad you had a good time. I hope the scales corroborate your estimate of weight loss!

    (Haha. Fat chance. ROFL!)


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