Monday, July 13, 2009

Resizing Tenby

A panorama photo is a good way to get across a particularly spectacular view spread out before your eyes and from our hotel in Tenby, we had just such a view.

Sadly I only thought to take the panorama on the penultimate day when the weather was a bit overcast. Still, you get the idea, and the view.

Because I took the original panorama photo using the dSLR, the size is 23mbs and so a little bit too big for blog purposes. I normally use a simple but very effective image resizer which once installed, becomes an extra option when you right click on any photo. It's done in seconds and on the usual setting I use for my blog photos, it reduced the panorama photo from 23mb to 58kb !

Pretty impressive.

The downside was that if you clicked on the photo to enlarge it, it became very grainy right away. So for this post, I just used a different setting and now it's a much better reduction, is still only 4mb and yet can be enlarged a bit before the 'grainyness' kicks in too much.

So please click on it to get the full effect (and then enlarge it again if you can) and then move it across your screens as if you were scanning the view in real life. It's almost like being there !


  1. A lovely view, in spite of the weather, Ian.

  2. A lovely panorama of my favourite view! And yes, it's almost like being there - - - can I go for a swim now?

  3. Good photo. Can't remember when I last took a pano. Always forget to take them which is a shame. From the top of those turrets in Florence I really ought to have tried doing some.

  4. Gorgeous. Excellent job lining it all up too!


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