Sunday, July 05, 2009

I'm In Wales, Look You.

I'm sitting here with an Eee on my knee, complete with dongle for t'internet access.

I may have lost most of you already but stick with me as that's the end of the techno babble.

I set off from sunny Leeds at 10am and arrived in not quite so sunny Tenby at 8pm. It's only 250 miles from one t'other but I stopped off near Wrexham to meet up with fellow blogger Jenny who didn't turn out to be a fellow at all. Well who'd have thunk it ???

After a drink and a lovely pub meal, I set off on my way to the deep south again and as I passed right by my brother's house near Aberangell, I popped in for a visit. As he runs the place as an excellent b&b, I encourage you all to 'pop in' any time you are in the area. Unlike me, you'll be asked to pay. Most likely.

The sun shone and we had tea out in their substantial garden and with the Welsh mountains providing the backdrop, it was simply gorgeous.

A few hours later and I was on my way again for the last leg of the trip to Tenby. And it poured down. It wasn't drizzling. It wasn't mizzling. It was pouring with biblical amount of rain. The sort that gets you really very wet indeed.

I think God knew I was on holiday.

I've only had a brief glance of Tenby but I feel like I know it so well. That's because the view from the hotel is just about the same as the view from the Tenby webcam (a link that seems to work best with IE) which I've looked at hundreds of times since finding out that Daphne and Stephen have been coming here every year for the last 94 years. Or so.

Anyway the hotel is grand and now I'm ready for bed after all that driving and excitement. There is no internet available, hence the dongle. So you'll be getting text updates from time to time over the next few days. Photos might be another matter but we have the technology.

Tomorrow it's to be 85F and humid. Somewhere.

Sadly here in Tenby it's to be wet and pretty cool. Gotta love a British holiday.

G'night from Welsh Wales.


  1. ...while here in sunny north Wales, it stayed sunny! Glad you got down there in reasonable time and I hope you all have a lovely week.

  2. Pics of Wales please, and a blogger discount code for your brother's B&B.


  3. Lucky so-'n-so. Wales is the most beautiful place in the world.

  4. If my dongle reached my knee I'd be the happiest camper in the world.

  5. Enjoy! Swim a lap for me. Eat something decadent for moi also! Bacon would be nice...oh oh oh and toast with your lovely butter...yes that will do me nicely. Happy dongeling!

  6. Sounds like some line out of 'Under Milkwood', Ian.
    Yes, I'd like the address too. I've decided I'm coming back to Europe in 2011.

  7. Don't feel bad, it's been tipping it down here, too! Weather is totally unbiased here in England, isn't it?

    I hope you have a great time in Tenby despite the wet stuff, though. As I'm sure you will.


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