Saturday, May 16, 2009

Food, Glorious Food

There might well be a few short food posts coming over the next few days as on our Barrow trip we did eat lots of jolly good food.  Local stuff you know, not particularly healthy, but fresh, filling and to use words never heard on posh tv cooking shows, bloody yummy.

We got off to a great start on the drive up to Barrow and had only been going for about 75 minutes when we stopped at our usual half way eatery, the Country Harvest.  It's hard to describe this place and in many ways it's like a Cracker Barrel in the US as you pass through a store before getting to the eating area. The difference would be that the store contains food items not to be found in any Cracker Barrel and indeed items not to be found in any other store in the UK !!

Anyway rather than try to describe it in words, here is a little 5 minute video I took of the place which gives a much better idea of its layout and I think its charm comes through as well.

If you are ever travelling along the A65 and are approaching Ingleton, do drop in. You won't be disappointed and even if you leave with an empty wallet, you'll have a full stomach. 

(There is a bit of wind noise (not from me !!) at the start of the video but it only lasts a few seconds so I left it in).

Country Harvest Restaurant from Silverback on Vimeo.


  1. In our family we've always called it the Codger Cafe (a codger, if you don't know, being an affectionately abusive term for a person of - er - mature years). It's always full of codgers, as you can see - - but that's because they have discerning taste and the food is excellent. Of course, it goes without saying that Silverback and I were the youngest people in there by a good thirty years.

  2. It all looks delicious, Ian, if not exactly the sort of food to make it onto the Weightwatchers' list. :)

  3. Well that was pure torture!! All that cheese, scotch eggs, pork pie and sausages - I am drooling here!

    You're right though it is like an English Cracker Barrel!

  4. Ah! I miss having such a wide selection of European cheeses!

  5. Mmmmm my kind of food!

  6. Looks like an amazing place. What a great choice of food!

  7. Loved it!!! Neededa Bonine, but I made it all the way through!

    I want the fluffy little sheep on the bottom right hand side of the stuffed animal shelves.


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