Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What I've Missed.

I love Florida.  After all, what's not to like ?  

Glorious sunshine and temps in the 80's and 90's during many of the winter months.

But as I've said before, after a while there I do miss some things from the UK. Scenery for one thing.  Florida hasn't got any.  Never mind mountains, it hasn't even got a decent hill.  And as for greenery, well thats hard to find in any sun kissed part of the world and Florida is no exception.

So when I returned to the UK a couple of weeks ago, I was more than happy to see all of the above in abundance again.  Althgough I live in the 'burbs of one of the largest cities in the UK, the countryside is only a few minutes away from my house. And jolly decent countryside it is too.

If foreign tourists could get themselves out of London, even if they don't make it 'oop North', they'd see some stunning scenery. Even without the castles, and bridges and old buildings and so on.

This Spring and Summer I'll be out and about posting many more examples.

It won't be all that difficult.


  1. Gorgeous! Of course, I loved Florida too - - but the kind of scenery that's shown in these lovely photographs is my total favourite, of course. Hills, mountains, lakes and streams - - - wonderful.

  2. Sheep! Show me sheep! Lambies if you please!!!

  3. Did you take all of these stunning photographs yourself?

  4. Of all the hundreds of photos used on this blog, I think 2 weren't taken by me and I gave due credit at the time.

    So yes, all the ones on this post were taken by me.

  5. And then there's the superb scenery in North Wales too...!

  6. Though we were born to complain, we do have stunning scenery and countryside in this country. I was blown away by Snowdonia when I went there a month or so ago. This was a favourite.

  7. Is that May flowering? In April? Heh.
    Splendid pics.


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