Friday, March 13, 2009

Walking With Roger

After my daily walk yesterday I decided to delete all the songs on my MP3 and add new ones.  Even with a couple of thousand tunes on it, I'd been round them all a couple of times and so wanted a complete change.

So today I went to my laptop's music folder where I store about 9,000 songs initially in name order so that they can be resorted by artist or album or even genre as the mood takes me.  I put them into album order but sadly did this just about 15 minutes before starting my walk and so only had time to pick one album and transfer the songs across to the MP3.

I'd recently downloaded "The World Of Roger Whittaker" as it was in the charts and I quite like his voice.  I'd class his music as 'Easy Listening" so I guess picking it for walking music was asking for trouble but I pretty much keep an even pace going no matter what music I listen to these days.

Or so I thought.

Things started out ok. The first song, Durham Town, was a decent enough song to warm up to but the pace never really picked up after that.  It wasn't so much easy listening music as fall asleep while listening music.  By the time old Roger (he's about to have his 73rd birthday) started whistling The Skye Boat Song, he'd pretty much lost me. How do you walk to someone whistling a slow dirge of a song ?! 

I was desperate to skip to another album but I didn't have one.  Yes I know I could've, and should've, turned off the MP3 completely but I felt that ANY music was better than NO music.  But then he started warbling Quel Mode Merveilleux  - a white African singing a song made famous by a black African American and singing French

The rest of the walk was done music free.


  1. Well I used to quite like old whistling Roger, but only one song at a time. I always think of him as being sloooow and he's probably slowed up even more with age! He's NEVER going to leave old Durham Town unless he speeds up a bit.

  2. Not one of my favourite artists, Ian. Could you not get a bit more up to date in your selection? How about some heavy metal? I tend not to listen to music while walking as I like to listen to the birds instead. Get in tune with nature!! ;)

  3. He had one hit in the U.S. and I can't even remember its title. I do remember that I didn't care for his singing style.

  4. Yes I know I was very wrong to even download Mr. Whittaker to my laptop never mind my MP3 so today I'll be back to my tried and trusted music from the 60's.

    So come on Mick, get off that cloud and get me strutting out in style, boyo.


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