Tuesday, January 06, 2009

If A Picture Tells A Thousand Words........

.........then nuff said.

Poolside In Florida from Silverback on Vimeo.


  1. Aghh that's naughty! We are freezing our butts off here.

  2. Mr Silverback - NAUGHTY! I've swum in that pool (that's SWUM, not just bobbed around in the water like the people you filmed) and if anything it's even nicer than it looks in this video. Still, your film made me laugh a lot, even as I was defrosting the car and de-icing the birdbath. Again.

  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aaaaarrrrghhh! atchoo!

  4. I have just one comment...pppfffttt!! ;o)


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