Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heroic Cameraman Braves The Florida Ice Pack

Come on, it's cold here y'know. What's a man got to do to get some sympathy ???

Anyway, to reinforce what I said a few days ago about the video capabilities of my new Nikon L18 still camera, here is a short (4m 10s) educational video that I got out of my sick bed to create a few hours ago. 

I know.  Call me foolish.  Call me irresponsible.  Call me anytime.

Please excuse the dodgy audio quality which is down to a combination of wind 1 (nature's fault), wind 2 (the bean burrito's fault), my croaky throat (nature's fault again) and the fact that the camera hasn't the audio specifications of a proper video camera (Nikon's fault).

I was going to add subtitles because of my accent/croakiness but decided not to as then the video can be submitted in the Best Short Foreign Film category at next year's Oscars !!


  1. That was fantastic! Almost as good as being there. A new career beckon, I feel!!(Can I have your autograph?)

  2. Fabulous. I particularly like your end credits. Not to denigrate the actual footage.
    But I was a bit worried about just how ill you sounded.
    No, really.
    Okay, I wasn't that worried.

    (Hope you feel a lot better now.)

  3. Glorious! - - - but hey, your voice sounds a bit different from usual. Have you got some kind of really serious viral illness, by any chance? Perhaps you should call an ambulance, just to be on the safe side.

  4. Enjoyed the vid!

    Your accent is interesting! Much more Irish than I expected. Assumed it would be 'northern English' though I remember you saying you did grow up in N.Ireland.

    I can also detect Welsh and Geordie!

    Quality of vid was good. Vimeo is sooo much better than youtube.

  5. This really made me smile. I thought you were very brave to go out on such a tough expedition when you were clearly so unwell.
    Agree with the other comments - I was intrigued by your accent as I was expecting at least a touch of Leeds and the end credits were the highlight. I fully expected 'You still here loser?' when I failed to go away.

  6. I loved being able to see where you all are at. Not that I haven't seen pictures, but somehow the video makes it much more real. Thank you for sharing a bit of your home away from home, and of course you know this northerner loves the accent.


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