Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heavy Cold Strikes Down Heroic Florida Blogger

Reuters Thursday

The blogosphere was in shock yesterday as news filtered through that popular Florida blogger, Silverback, had been struck down in his prime by a nasty cold.

"It's true," said an obviously distressed Silverback.  "It sneaked up on me on Tuesday but I bravely carried on with things by going to the beach yesterday. I'm sure it was painful to watch as I had a meal with friends on the wooden deck of The Outrigger Motel and then, in obvious discomfort (sneezing and a bit of a cough) I struggled out across the soft sandy beach and somehow made it to the water's edge."

When asked how he found the strength to overcome the effects of this nasty virus, Silverback was typically modest.  "I just thought of my devoted readers and knew they'd be wanting to read about my day out and see some photos of us all enjoying the azure waters of the Gulf of Mexico. I just had to be strong and not let this debilitating cold get the better of me, for their sake."

It was ironic that Silverback was reeling from the effects of a 'cold' when the temperature over at Ft. Myers Beach was soaring to 82F (27c).  "Yes it was a struggle to go out to the water,"  he admitted. "The glare from the sun reflecting off the white sand made my eyes water and this in turn aggravated my sneezing.  It was very difficult at times but I gained strength from knowing that my readers would be willing me on. I really felt their good wishes out there and took strength from that."

Today Silverback is resting back in Sebring and as usual, is suffering in heroic silence, bravely uncomplaining and trying to lead a normal life. Never one to make a fuss about his medical problems, he continues to be an inspiration to those around him who try to offer help but are politely turned away.

When asked when it was likely that he would be posting about the trip, Silverback said "I will try to upload a few photos tomorrow but it'll be really hard.  This cold has shaken me up and made me rethink my life in many ways. God willing I may come out the other side a much stronger individual with a renewed love of life and care for my fellow man."

Asked for a comment, his friend Debby was quoted as saying "oh give me strength. The guy's a wuss and needs to get over himself.  It's a cold for gawds sake. I've given birth 3 times so don't talk to me about discomfort."

Silverback was not available for further comment as he had gone back to bed asking if someone could bring him a bowl of chicken soup with a side order of fries as he's feeling just a little better today.

The world rejoices.


  1. I've had a cold too, you know. Just mentioning it. And if this piece hadn't made me laugh so much I might just have to kill you for going on about beaches and azure waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Atishoo.

  2. What a heart warming story,demonstrating such strength and courage in the face of adversity. This story makes me realise how lucky I am to have my health. You hang on in there.....

  3. Some of your readers might have been willing you a good kick in the patootie to raise you from your sickbed...

  4. Bless you both. And yes, Katie, it's words like yours that keep me going through it all.

    (typing from my sick bed)

  5. Since our comments' posting times are the same, I suppose I'm correct in concluding that you weren't sending blessings my hoo hoo and a barrel of rum... :)

  6. Oh dearest dear Ian! I'm so sorry that I called you a slug-a-bug on my post today. I had NO IDEA you were struck down with Man-Flu. Please accept my apologies, and my fervent wishes for a speedy recovery back to good health in the fullness of time. Here, a bunch of cyber-grapes for you. Would you like me to peel you one, rub your head and say 'Poor little bunny'?
    Go here:

  7. Get over yourself, man!!! ;)Pathetic! What are you???...
    (And I've given birth FOUR times!!)

  8. You see, Katherine, this is the sort of thing that gives man-flu a bad name. It's a serious condition and well known in medical circles because we (men that is) get a much more aggressive strain of it than the mild wishy washy version that women get and so it's all misunderstood by women.

    I think we need to complain more when we get it and so raise awareness of the condition.

    I'm doing my bit........

  9. Ok that was a trifle harsh, Jenny. I blsame the heavy metal and country music in your case.

  10. My man-flu affected my hearing and memory, Debby. Be kind.


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