Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Winter's Tale

At a time when newspaper headlines here continue to remind us that the US economy is in a right old state, car manufacturers and banks need to be bailed out to the tune of $billions and that large parts of California have gone up in smoke, it's refreshing to read that my local newspaper back home in Yorkshire has its finger squarely on the pulse of what its readers want to know.

I suspect this headline will have been discussed over many a pint in Leeds pubs today. And yes, the writer knew exactly what he was doing.

Or maybe it's just me !!


  1. Is there really a place in Yorkshire called Eccup? Is it a suburb of Byeckerslike?

  2. Most news bulletins in the UK today have been obsessed with John Sargeant's departure from Strictly Come Dancing. The Leeds donkeys story stands up well in comparison, I feel.


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