Saturday, November 22, 2008

Houston, The Duck Has Landed !!!

The Brits are here, the Brits are here !!!!!!

Daffy just rang me from the Perkins Restaurant we'd arranged for her and Stephen to go to for their first meal after arriving in Orlando.  Ok maybe not the best place to have your first experience of food in America but there aren't many choices on the route from the airport to here.

The only news I got was that the line at the car rental place was very long and very slow moving and that was why, even though their plane landed at about 6pm, they'd only managed to get to the restaurant by 9:30pm - a restaurant 30 miles from the airport.

But the important thing is....they survived the flight, got through immigration and customs and are in Florida safe and sound.  Hurrah, as Daffy would say.

As they are now only 63 miles away, they should be here in the park between 11pm and midnight and probably ready for bed. It's been a long day for them and I'm sure I'll hear all about it over coffee in the morning.

Suddenly I won't be the only Brit in the village....I mean the park !!  Daffyd would be impressed.

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