Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friends Reunited

One of the joys of returning here to Buttonwood Bay each year is that we eventually meet up with friends who also return to spend the winter months in the Sunshine State.

We are called 'Snowbirds' as the idea is that we are trying to avoid seeing any of the white stuff for the rest of our lives. In my case, returning to England in the last few days of March, I run the risk of getting to see snow for a few days at some stage. Maybe even in mid June, given the weather we've had recently.

My friends Debby & Dennis arrived first this year, arriving towards the end of September. They came from Michigan. Then in the first few days of October I arrived and a week later, our friends Marty and Eldy arrived from Indiana.

Yesterday Clair & Mary arrived from Pennslyvania, although they had set off from their home a few weeks earlier and taken a slower, tourist type route to get here. Maybe it was just down to Clair driving as with a laptop and 2 GPS devices, he can still get lost.

Once they had opened up their house (and removed the car and golf cart from inside it !!), they moved in a lot of their stuff from their motorhome. By 6pm they were tired and very hungry and we all decided to go locally for some fast food.

When we got back it was only just after 7pm and as there was an almost full moon, I decided to get a picture of us all with the moon in the background. I got out the tripod, attached the camera and then realised I had my long lens on it. As no one wants to hang about outside at night with the threat of 'the flying teeth' around, I just decided to go with it and get them to keep going back, and back, and back. Finally they were in shot and with the self timer set, I hit the shutter button and legged it the half mile to where they were now standing.

Just in time.

The flash unit built onto my camera has all the power of a half dead firefly so I really didn't expect it to light us up very well - so I was more than pleased with the results. The fact that it lit up the moon as well was a nice bonus !

Park Friends

Don't we look like a happy bunch of campers ? I've caught a bit of sun in my 2 weeks here as it's kinda hard not to. I may not resemble my passport photo when I return to the UK but that's never a bad thing.

It's lovely to be here in the park with friends all around us. Constant waving becomes the norm and all traces of SAD have gone. I can watch Corrie and Match Of The Day so all in all, I see few downsides. Well until the Presidential election is over, it's best to avoid tv.

If only they could manage decent fish and chips I'd never want to go home.


  1. Look like you're having fun old stick! Weather in Blighty not good. Very grey, drab, threatening to rain, etc.

  2. Great photo of you all and looking forward, of course, to meeting Deb, Dennis, Clair and Mary in November. Wooohooo! (as they say in Blighty).

  3. Fab photo...I can't imagine any reason you would want to come home really...oh, aside from the possibility of snow! ;o) Snow rocks!

  4. Corrie and Match of the Day as well?! I am truly impressed (although pondering what potentially dodgy routes you use to see them!)

    Thanks for coming by my blog - will add yours to my blogroll and Google Reader.

  5. Not long to go now Daffy and the weather is lovely hot hot during the day but low 70's overnight. Perfect.

    Snow, gemmak, snow ? What izz thess snow you talk about ?

    BOOW, I download them as torrents but in a week or so I hope to be able to watch UK shows live using a friend's Slingbox.

  6. hi this is anil.Look like you're having fun old stick! Weather in Blighty not good. Very grey, drab, threatening to rain, etc.


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