Monday, October 20, 2008

The Big Picture

I was adding a few more blogs to my blog roll today when I decided to just copy across most of those I have on my Google Reader.  

Now on that Reader I have news sites and web sites and so those don't qualify as blog sites at all.

But I did add one web site here on my blogroll as it's almost like a blog.  The Big Picture.

I'm one of those rare people who like to look at photos - even ones not taken by me.  They could be holiday snaps or professional shots, I don't care.  I just like seeing good photos and often I learn from them.

This site updates regularly with collections of stunning photos and if you look back through previous 'posts' I assure you, you won't know where your day has suddenly gone.

Try this one for instance.  Even better if you live in London. 

Enough said.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves, as good photos often do.


  1. I love all kinds of photos as you know - the London ones on here are great and I also love the Yann Arthus-Bertrand photos of Earth from Above - I've seen a book of his photos and they are wonderful - there are some on the Big Picture site a few posts down. Fantastic - thank you for recommending this site.

  2. Those London pictures are incredible!

    He has a funny idea of what 'centre' means though - it took me a while to find the Eye from that description!


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