Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Lawsuit Waiting to Happen ?

I'm not sure which Robbie would be more upset about......his face on a WANTED poster or being called English.

I bet the locals are glad the burglar doesn't look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise - or New Zealand could be bankrupted by the resulting lawsuit.


  1. Well, Robbie seems to be a jolly nice chap, but yes, I think he'd be upset about being called English - not only that, but if his agent wanted to get snippy, they'd probably have those NZ police for breach of copyright!!


  2. Goodness, what a weird thing to do - the-posting-a-photo-of-someone-similar thing - but I suppose it gets around the legal issue. How clever of you to find this news item. Hopefully Robbie won't mind. I thought he was fabulous in 'Cracker'. Marvelous actor and great pianist too!


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