Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I started this blog on 4th May 2006 and it took me until 7th June 2007 to rack up my 1000th visitor.

1000 in 13 months. I was Johnny-few-friends.

I'm hoping to get my 2000th visitor by the end of today. I only need 16.

1000 in 5 months. Small numbers, I know, but you all keep me going - so thank you very much.

I don't really trust my main statistics software so just for today (Wednesday 7th) could EVERY visitor please create a comment and let me know where they live. Just that. No complicated text (unless you want to). Just let me know the town and country and then I'll see if my stats software is anything like accurate.

Even if you've found me by accident and are about to go elsewhere, please spare a minute.

I know that typing in the anti spam word can be a pain and hard to get in one go - but please persevere.

Once again thank you to everyone who has read my blog over the last 18 months - I love seeing repeat visitors. It gives me a warm glow.

Either that or my microwave seals need replacing !!


  1. Hello from a very blustery Leeds in the magnificent county of Yorkshire on the small islands known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a long way to the right of the USA and a little bit to the left of the rest of Europe. Keep on blogging, Ian, and I hope you'll get to your three thousandth visitor very soon.

  2. Thanks for the FIRST comment on my page. I'm new at this and disorganized as of yet. I'll get there! Thanks for reading AND guess what? YOU will always be special because you were my first! LOL...I'm no longer a virgin blogger...hahaha. You r page is pretty cool. I may ask you how you did a few things later, if I link other peoples pages? Anyway, THANKS again!

  3. Oh, sorry...forgot to add...I live in PARADISE (Key Largo, Fl) until the 17th when I move to Kuwait.

  4. Kearney, NE here...dead center in the heartland or the US. Cool (cold to Floridians) here today, but sunny. Hopefully, I'll be moving to Sebring (Lake Placid) soon as we are waiting for our home to sell. I enjoy your blog because you take photos, making me feel as tho I might be there already. Thanks.


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