Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm In The Money. The Noo

Like most people, I get those wonderful African emails from time to time telling me I can go out and buy a row of terrace houses in Leeds or a garage in Mayfair as oooddles of money is coming my way thanks to some............well some total stranger usually.

Bless these wonderful unknown humanitarians but enough already. Give someone else a chance now. Share the wealth I say. The only slight quibble is that I just feel so darn letdown when no money arrives. Indeed in some sort of spooky coincidence, my bank account actually goes down soon after.

Haven't worked that one out yet.

Anyooo I got a lovely one today from closer to home. At least I think so. Hard to tell really but who cares as £1million is heading my way........again. I just can't believe how fortunate I am to keep winning money like this.

I've noticed that the grammar and general syntax is a bit off but then it's probably been translated from the original fair enough. Jimmy.

In gratitude, I'm going to become a Dundee United season ticket holder.

As a Leeds fan, it's about time I watched some half decent football !!

Ref: BT:12052005/21
Batch: 12/25/0034
APRIL 13, 2007

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of the Dundeeeunited lottery. This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of L1,000,000,00 (One Million, Great Britain Pounds) , International programs .
The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet. However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This Promo is approved by the Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public to begin the processing of your prize you are to contact your claims officer through our accredited Prize Transfer agents as stated below:

Mr. Gregory Carter,
Tel: 447045704944

Contact him, Kindly provide him with your Secret pin code (x7pwyz2006), Amount won (L1,000,000,00 ) and your Reference number (BT:12052005/21).
You are adviced to provide the underlisted claims requirement to the transfer agent.


  1. I particularly enjoyed the word Dundeeeunited. Splendid.

  2. i'm sure you are plotting all your spending now. I take great pleasure in the knowledge that there are folks out there who actually scam the scammers: hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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